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Abbey Road summer travel programs send high school students to the most popular international destin

According to the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, French, Spanish and Italian were the most popular languages to study in 2010 among high school students.

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Emily K, a New Jersey native and alum of the Florence Art 2009 Program, shared these delightful and enthusiastic words with us about her summer experience with Abbey Road

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WDS Launches Business English Online

The language school and ESOL S/W developer wds (William Dobbs Sprachen), based in Winterthur, Switzerland has expanded its range of educational programs and has entered into the online learning market with the launch of ‘Business English Online’.

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ielts | ielts reading

IELTS4U is an online training center dedicated to providing end-to-end training for the aspirants of IELTS. It is a globally conducted test which is focused on all four major language skills which involve Listening, Reading, Writing and finally Speak

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IELTS4U is an online training center dedicated to providing end-to-end training for the aspirants of IELTS. It is a globally conducted test which is focused on all four major language skills which involve Listening, Reading, Writing and finally Speak

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ielts | ielts sample | ielts exam preparation

IELTS4U is an online training center dedicated to providing end-to-end training for the aspirants of IELTS. It is a globally conducted test which is focused on all four major language skills which involve Listening, Reading, Writing and finally Speak

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ielts practice | ielts online course | ielts speaking practice

IELTS4U is an online training center dedicated to providing end-to-end training for the aspirants of IELTS. It is a globally conducted test which is focused on all four major language skills which involve Listening, Reading, Writing and finally Speak

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ielts | ielts online training | ielts speaking exam

IELTS4U is an online training center dedicated to providing end-to-end training for the aspirants of IELTS. It is a globally conducted test which is focused on all four major language skills which involve Listening, Reading, Writing and finally Speak

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ielts speaking exam

IELTS4U is an online training center dedicated to providing end-to-end training for the aspirants of IELTS. It is a globally conducted test which is focused on all four major language skills which involve Listening, Reading, Writing and finally Speak

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